It has been a very cold winter for many homeowners in the United States. While the season can be enjoyable for its powdery snow and warm beverages, people should not forget about harsh winter conditions. One way we protect ourselves from these long cold winters is by relying on our water heaters. As its name suggests, it supplies us with warm water when we need it most – when we are washing our hands, bathing, cooking, cleaning, etc. But, many people don’t realize that there are many types of heaters, each with its own benefits. As one of the top heating and cooling specialists in the Southwest, we’ve highlighted a few that you should know about.

Conventional Water Heaters

This type of heater is the most common you will find in people’s homes. They consist of an insulated tank where the water is heated and stored until it is needed. Conventional water heaters typically will use less energy and cost less to operate than electric varieties, but they can be more expensive and complicated to install.

Like many of our home appliances, these heaters require regular maintenance to operate efficiently over the years. This involves draining and flushing the system and removing any buildup at least once a year. In doing so, homeowners typically find they can last up to 10 to 12 years.

Tankless Water Heaters

In addition to conventional heaters, another common variety is tankless. These water heaters use strong flashes of heat against water-filled coils to heat water on demand. Tankless heaters are more energy efficient in comparison to their conventional counterparts but tend to be a pricier up-front purchase. Also like conventional heaters, tankless varieties must be flushed yearly to remove buildup to maximize their lifespan.

Heat Pump Water Heaters

Another type of water heater is the heat pump heaters. They’re unlike any of the other varieties on the list because they use a special mechanism to trap heat from the ground and air to use on the water. Instead of using natural gas, these pumps consume electricity and with greater results. According to Architecture Lab, heat pump water heaters use 60% less energy when compared to other conventional models. However, while these heaters are more energy-efficient, homeowners can expect big price tags.

Condensing Water Heaters

Similar to conventional systems, condensing water heaters have a tank that stores water. However, they capture hot exhaust gases to heat incoming water. Therefore, they supply hot water to homes without increasing one’s power bill. This type of heater is very efficient in homes that utilize gas and require a capacity of more than 55 gallons of water. Not only should homeowners clean the tank once a year, but they should also inspect and maintain gas import valves when needed.

Solar Water Heaters

Much like solar power roofing, this innovative energy technology can also heat the water in our homes. Solar water heaters will absorb the sun’s heat and transfer it to an antifreeze-like fluid that runs to the tank – heating the water. Homeowners who invest in this type of system benefit from efficient energy savings, especially during those hot summer months. Property owners can also feel good knowing they are lowering their carbon footprint and can seek financial incentives, such as tax credits and utility rebates.

B&D Industries Assists Homeowners

Whether you’re looking for assistance for your home or business, our skilled technicians are ready for the job. If you need help with your water heater, do not hesitate to contact B&D today.