There have been many innovations hitting the water heater industry for many years now. Probably the most prominent being tankless water heaters. While it functions similarly to your standard water heater, there is a huge difference between the two and it’s definitely noticeable.

B&D Industries, Inc. is one of the best heating and cooling companies in New Mexico. From HVAC solutions and 24/7 emergency plumbing to electrical troubleshooting, our dedicated team of professionals will work with you to find the solution in every project we undertake. Read our article below to discover the pros and cons of tankless water heaters.

What Are Tankless Water Heaters?

Unlike standard water heaters, tankless varieties continuously heat water so that it is always hot. It generates warm water instantly with high-powered gas burners or electric coils. While they do require more power to heat the water, it requires less energy than your standard heater because the water does not have to be reheated again and again. So, what are the benefits?

The Pros of Having Tankless Water Heaters

The most apparent advantage to investing in this type of heater is having instant hot water. According to Ygrene, after flushing the cold water out of your faucet, tankless heaters can provide a steady stream of hot water almost instantly. You don’t even have to buy the most top-of-the-line model, this feature can be experienced on any unit you buy.

Another great advantage of investing in tankless heaters is their longer lifespan. A standard water heater will last around a decade, whereas a tankless model will last twice as long. This of course takes into account that you are properly maintaining your heater. Investing in a longer-lasting model can save you a considerable amount of money by avoiding a replacement every 10 years.

Tankless heaters are also incredible when it comes to month-to-month costs. According to Consumer Reports, tankless water heaters are more efficient than standard models, resulting in cost savings on your energy bill. Additionally, these models are known to take up less space than their standard counterparts. This is especially beneficial for homeowners in smaller spaces.

The Cons of Tankless Water Heaters

Probably the biggest disadvantage of a tankless heater is the initial sticker shock. Due to their quality and longer lifespans, you can expect to pay a higher price than you would for a standard model. The average traditional heater will run you around $500, while the cheapest tankless models start at $1,000. But, as we mentioned before, these models tend to last twice as long as your traditional heater.

While tankless water heaters offer a steady stream of hot water, the water supply is not unlimited. Due to their size, it’s rather difficult to run multiple appliances at once. Your standard water heater, which can hold between 30 to 80 gallons of water depending on the model, will be able to run hot water into multiple outlets with no problem.

Another disadvantage to having tankless water heaters is that you typically need to purchase additional equipment. For example, a water softener is usually needed to ensure your tankless heater operates properly. The extra equipment will add to the unit’s initial price tag and may also affect the space-saving benefits, as these items can be bulky.

Is Tankless Right For Me?

It entirely depends on what you’re looking for. Tankless water heaters are incredible innovations that are changing how people receive hot water. But, they’re not the only new heaters on the market. They’re definitely excellent appliances that can completely change how your home receives water and should be considered when you purchase your next water heater.

Residential Heating & Cooling Repair is B&D Industries’ Specialty

For more than 60 years, B&D has worked tirelessly to provide residents in the southwest with a wide range of services to keep their homes running smoothly. Everything from heating system repairs and consultation and inspection services to 24-hour emergency service, we’re the go-to for residential repair. Contact us today to request our services!